Monday, May 16, 2011

The Importance of Motion

I have decided to begin a series that I had previously called G Force. The fundamental element is motion. Without motion there is no life. I went for a jog today and being a bit out of shape I was fully aware of the motion of my heart and the work of my lungs. Without the movement of blood through my heart and the movement of air through my lungs I would quickly die. In a grander scale I think about the the Dead Sea. It receives water but does not move any water onward. It is a repository that quickly becomes toxic to most forms of life. In an even grander scale I think of the rotation of the earth and its orbit. If the earth would stop its motion, well...I would guess life would end as we know it. I am thankful for motion. Many students are graduating high school this month. They are moving on. Thank goodness that they are on the move and experiencing LIFE. For many reasons, which we will explore in future blogs, we resist movement, we fear change. Today, I just want to call attention to the importance of motion. I don't intend to stop moving until, well, I die. But then, I believe, I will simply be moving on.