Saturday, July 20, 2013

Groundedness - Back To the Blog

Okay, I am back to the blog and it is appropriate that I begin the first "G" with Groundedness.  The G Force series is about key principles that can be universally applied for self and team development.  There is a force in nature called gravity that is at play.  We feel it when we try to resist the pull of gravity.  We call that "G Force".  In technical terms it is a unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity.  We feel that force when we are accelerating.  

It's, perhaps, a bit counterintuitive to begin a series on motion and G Force with the principle of Groundedness.  What is the quality of being grounded that allows us to accelerate through life?  For me, it is why I am back to the blog.  Being grounded focuses on what is important.  It is reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how we got here.  I recently moved to a new job.  Groundedness allows me to reflect and be grateful for those who have helped me and continue to help me.  Groundedness allows me to take the jolts that change brings and remain intact and whole.  Groundedness creates a solid core from which to grow, an anchor point that will hold you in steady in turbulent waters.  Groundedness is foundational. 

As I speak with individuals across the country I am reminded that at the very basic level we all can use the encouragement that we are of infinite worth.  Regardless of age, education, job title, - we are all of infinite worth.  In filling out some financial paperwork I was asked what my net worth was...the calculation suggested that I was at negative net worth!  Individuals who are upside down on their home mortgages are likely seeing their financial net worth falling to the red.  That is not my worth...that is my financial position.  My worth, your worth, is infinite.  This may sound a bit trite for some...but it is part of being grounded.  We begin from a place that says that I have infinite worth and therefore I have so much that I can give.  So,  I am coming back to the blog - I am reminding myself of why I began this journey, where I am headed, and who I am.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Importance of Motion

I have decided to begin a series that I had previously called G Force. The fundamental element is motion. Without motion there is no life. I went for a jog today and being a bit out of shape I was fully aware of the motion of my heart and the work of my lungs. Without the movement of blood through my heart and the movement of air through my lungs I would quickly die. In a grander scale I think about the the Dead Sea. It receives water but does not move any water onward. It is a repository that quickly becomes toxic to most forms of life. In an even grander scale I think of the rotation of the earth and its orbit. If the earth would stop its motion, well...I would guess life would end as we know it. I am thankful for motion. Many students are graduating high school this month. They are moving on. Thank goodness that they are on the move and experiencing LIFE. For many reasons, which we will explore in future blogs, we resist movement, we fear change. Today, I just want to call attention to the importance of motion. I don't intend to stop moving until, well, I die. But then, I believe, I will simply be moving on.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Power of a Pacer

I went for a hike the other day. My hiking partner pointed out various things along the way. "Do you see those wild flowers - they are fairly unique to this type of soil." "These berries are actually edible." What was amazing to me was how suddenly more aware I had become of my surroundings. It was not so much that I had a knowledge gap, it was that I had an awareness gap. In our lives, awareness must precede change. Awareness is probably best accomplished not by someone telling us something but facilitating our discovery of something. We have a program called CorePacer that takes this very approach. We all need individuals in our lives who can simply come along side of us and help enhance our own self-awareness.

The next time you take a walk - take along a friend and help each other explore what, perhaps, the other may not have noticed before. You may be amazed at what you uncover!

Monday, February 28, 2011

And the Winner Is...

How many people expected Colin Firth to stutter during his acceptance speech?During the Oscars on Sunday evening Colin Firth won best actor for his role as the stuttering younger brother who became King George VI in “The King’s Speech”.There were many insights that can be drawn from this movie but I will focus on just two. The first is less about the movie and more about how we are “wired”. We have an amazing capacity to attune to others through what I will call our “mirror neurons”.Much has already been written in the area of social intelligence but suffice it to say, it is this capacity to connect with others and imagine ourselves in their shoes that generates the powerful impact that movies have on us. It is why we often forget that the actor is just acting and does not actually possess the character traits or attributes of the person being portrayed in the film. The second is the notion that we have the capacity to change. The King’s Speech resonates with its viewers because it resonates with our own struggles to overcome obstacles and our own internal mental models that condition us to believe we are inadequate. The truth is the Winner Is….YOU. Every time you choose to connect in a meaningful way with others, every time you choose to see possibilities not problems you are on the path to success.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting Off the Line

I watched some football over the last few weeks. Football makes for some great metaphors. Have you noticed that the players never stay in their three point stance for very long. Why is that? Well for one, it is somewhat difficult to do. It also makes you stiff and slower to get off the line if you hold the stance too long. I heard a speaker use the 3 point stance metaphor to talk about the need for action in order for change to acutally happen. We often get ourselves pumped for a new change effort but find ourselves hesitant to actually get started. We can change, we do have a choice. After we have identified what it is that we want to change the key is not to become frozen at the scrimmage line. We need to move. Like a football game it will mean getting back to the line and moving off again and again. Then change will happen. As we approach 2011 I hope you focus not just on what you want different but how you will get off the line again and again to make it happen. One tip - sometimes this takes someone who has a whistle or moves the ball to remind you to get off the line. You don't have to make the journey alone. Ask for a partner to remind you of the action that is needed. You may find yourself actually changing and enjoying the journey as well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Human Energy

I heard a discussion today about the power we have to transmit energy to one another. Before you begin thinking I have gone off the deep end let me explain. We are wired to be connected. We are constantly seeking cues from our environment and most importantly from each other. Ever notice a herd of deer or a flock of birds? They are very attentive to the emotional cues of each other. At the first indication of fear...the birds fly away as a group. When you enter the room or a conversation - are you transmitting negative energy-bringing the group down or positive energy that is uplifting? More people are watching and keying off your "vibes" then you may realize. There is also something amazing about false energy...people can pick up on it. In general, we have an amazing antenna that can pick up on transmitted energy and decipher real from false. I am focusing on providing a positive energy wherever I that encourages, uplifts, and brightens the lives of others.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dialing In

Today we no longer deal with radios with a manual dial. I remember having to carefully turn the radio dial clockwise then a bit counterclockwise then back again until finally I would get to the right frequency to hear the radio station without static. It took some effort to get a clear signal. I was struck recently by the amount of noise that we tolerate in our conversations. Sitting with a group of people I was amazed at the amount of distractions and simultaneous conversations or multi-tasking. It felt wonderful when in the midst of that noise I felt as if someone had taken the time to dial in to what I was saying. Dialing in takes effort. We have to adjust, listen to feedback, and adjust again until we can clearly hear the message. Before we can fully understand it takes time to clearly hear...and that takes a conscious effort to dial in. Does it seem like you are no longer on the same frequency with your friend, spouse, co-worker? Perhaps it is time to adjust the dial.